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This news article has a right-wing, pro-DeSantis political bias as it highlights the positives of the change in leadership within DeSantis' campaign. The article emphasizes DeSantis' commitment to strengthening his conservative support base and presenting a clear message to voters. It portrays the replacement of the campaign manager and the addition of new staff members as a strategic move to regain momentum after a disappointing winter. The article also highlights the conservative values and expertise of the new team members, suggesting that they will strengthen DeSantis' message and resonate with conservative voters.
Campaign shakeup aims to regain momentum.

Former Trump Official Joins DeSantis Campaign, Boosting Conservative Support

  • The Gist
  • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis replaces campaign manager Generra Peck with James Uthmeier, chief of staff for his gubernatorial office
  • Peck assumes role of chief strategist within the campaign
  • DeSantis emphasizes that the change does not signify a new phase for his campaign
  • David Polyansky, former adviser to Ted Cruz, joins as deputy campaign manager
  • DeSantis has raised $20.1 million in the first six weeks of his campaign
  • The Never Back Down super PAC is organizing DeSantis' campaign
In a significant change of leadership, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has replaced campaign manager Generra Peck with James Uthmeier, the chief of staff for his gubernatorial office. This move comes after weeks of speculation about Peck's future in the campaign, and it aims to build support and regain momentum after a disappointing winter.
Former Trump Official Joins DeSantis Campaign, Boosting Conservative Support Former Trump Official Joins DeSantis Campaign, Boosting Conservative Support
Peck will assume the role of chief strategist within the campaign, bringing her valuable insights and expertise to the table. The shakeup within the campaign is a clear indication of DeSantis' commitment to strengthening his conservative support base and presenting a clear message to voters.

DeSantis himself has emphasized that this change does not signify a new phase for his campaign. He remains focused on putting out a vision and asking voters for their support. However, concerns raised by donors and supporters regarding a lack of clarity in the campaign's message have prompted DeSantis to consider a change at the top of his political operation.

Uthmeier, who is seen as more ideologically aligned with DeSantis, was offered the position of campaign manager on Monday night. His previous experience in the US Department of Commerce under Trump and his membership in the Federalist Society make him a valuable asset to DeSantis' campaign. Uthmeier's deep understanding of conservative values and principles will undoubtedly strengthen DeSantis' message and resonate with conservative voters.

Furthermore, David Polyansky, a former senior adviser to Ted Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign, has joined DeSantis' campaign as deputy campaign manager. Polyansky's expertise and experience in navigating the political landscape will be instrumental in ensuring the campaign's success.

Critics have been quick to point to staff shakeups as evidence of a collapsing campaign. However, Uthmeier argues that DeSantis still knows how to win. DeSantis' popularity among conservatives has soared due to his unwavering stance against COVID-19 restrictions and his actions as a culture warrior. While setbacks, such as Trump expanding his lead over DeSantis in the GOP nomination race, have occurred, DeSantis remains determined to overcome these challenges.

Financially, DeSantis has shown impressive fundraising capabilities. In the first six weeks of his campaign, he raised a staggering $20.1 million. While much of this funding came from top-dollar donors, it is a testament to DeSantis' ability to generate support. Admittedly, the campaign has spent money at a quicker rate than Trump's campaign, but the campaign has acknowledged this overspending and is actively working on a "reset."

The Never Back Down super PAC has taken on the task of organizing DeSantis' campaign, further solidifying his position as a strong conservative candidate. With this change in leadership and the involvement of the Never Back Down super PAC, DeSantis is determined to change the dynamics of the campaign and start a "great American comeback."

The addition of James Uthmeier and David Polyansky to DeSantis' campaign team is a significant boost for conservative support. Their alignment with DeSantis' conservative values and their expertise will undoubtedly strengthen the campaign's message and resonate with voters. DeSantis remains determined to lead a great American comeback, and with this new team in place, the future looks bright for his campaign.