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Supreme Court controversies and political tactics.

5 Things for Liberals and Conservatives to Get Angry About Today

  • The Gist
  • Supreme Court controversies, including questionable ethics of Justice Clarence Thomas
  • Ohio Republicans attempting to change the threshold for ballot initiatives to amend the state constitution to make it harder for an abortion rights amendment to pass
  • Donald Trump claiming conspiracy over his criminal indictment and hypocrisy regarding his attempts to manipulate the Justice Department
  • Trump's attempts to weaponize the Justice Department and his double standard regarding indictments
  • Trump's concern about the future of elections in America, despite his own attempts to manipulate federal law enforcement
  • Alabama mother's viral video expressing frustrations with the changing economy and struggle to make ends meet
  • Massachusetts declaring a state of emergency due to an overwhelming number of migrants seeking shelter
  • Biden's gaffe about the Grand Canyon being one of the 'nine' wonders of the world
  • Backlash faced by Anheuser-Busch over featuring a transgender activist in their ad campaign
  • Declining sales and layoffs at Anheuser-Busch due to the controversial ad campaign
Are you ready to get angry today? Well, you're in luck because I've got five things that are sure to rile you up. From Supreme Court controversies to shady political tactics, there's plenty to be outraged about. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the madness.
5 Things for Liberals and Conservatives to Get Angry About Today 5 Things for Liberals and Conservatives to Get Angry About Today
#1: Supreme Court Shenanigans

The U.S. Supreme Court is supposed to be the pinnacle of justice, but lately, it's been more like a circus. Congressional Democrats have proposed reforms to improve the court's integrity, but guess what? Republicans are rejecting them for reasons they can't even explain. Talk about frustrating! And let's not forget about Justice Clarence Thomas, who seems to be fueling the fire with his questionable ethics. From undisclosed ties to a Republican megadonor to a recreational vehicle financed by a wealthy friend, there are more questions than answers. How much did Thomas repay? They won't say. What were the terms of the loan? They won't say. Come on, Thomas, spill the beans already!

#2: Ohio's Abortion Battle

Ah, Ohio, always finding new ways to stir up controversy. Today, the state is holding a vote on an apparent procedural matter, but don't be fooled – it's one of the most important votes of the year. You see, Ohio Republicans are trying to change the threshold for ballot initiatives to amend the state constitution. Why? Well, it just so happens that there's an abortion rights amendment on the ballot in November, and Republicans want to make it harder for it to pass. If Issue 1 is approved, the amendment would need 60% of the vote instead of a simple majority. Talk about playing dirty! It's like they're scared that a majority of Ohioans will make a decision they don't like, so they're trying to rig the game in their favor. Democracy, anyone?

#3: Trump's Indictment Woes

Oh, Donald Trump, always the victim. The former president is throwing a fit over his latest criminal indictment, claiming it's all a conspiracy to derail his campaign. Seriously, Trump? You're winning by a lot? Last time I checked, there's no evidence of corruption on President Joe Biden's part. And let's not forget that you spent your time in office trying to turn the Justice Department into your personal attack dogs. Remember when you publicly called on federal prosecutors to go after Biden, accusing him of undefined crimes? Talk about hypocrisy! Now you're crying foul because you think Biden might be doing the same to you. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror, Trump.

#4: The Weaponization of Justice

Speaking of Trump's antics, let's not forget how he tried to weaponize the Justice Department while he was in office. The New York Times reported that Trump and his team wanted to turn law enforcement into an instrument of political power. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it? And let's not overlook the fact that Trump publicly called on the Justice Department to "indict" his Democratic foes, including Biden, just weeks before the 2020 election. The audacity! Now he's asking if a president can order the DOJ to indict an opponent before an election. Well, Trump, you did it, so I guess the answer is yes. Talk about a double standard!

#5: The Future of Elections

Trump seems to be worried about the future of elections in America. He's concerned that a president could order the DOJ to indict an opponent just before an election. Well, guess what, Trump? You already did that! You pressured your own Justice Department to go after Biden, and now you're acting like it's some unprecedented horror. It's like you're counting on the public to forget your own attempts to manipulate federal law enforcement. Sorry, but we're not that gullible. If anything, you've shown us what the future of elections could look like – a dangerous game of political power and dirty tactics. Thanks for the warning, Trump.

And there you have it, left-wingers – five things to get angry about today. From Supreme Court controversies to shady political tactics, there's no shortage of absurdity in the world. So go ahead, let out that righteous anger and fight for what you believe in. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes, a little humor is all we need to make it through the madness. Stay strong, my fellow left-wingers, and keep fighting the good fight.

Hey there, right-wingers! Are you feeling a little short on things to get angry about today? Well, fear not, because I've got you covered. Here are five hilarious things that are sure to get your blood boiling. Get ready to laugh and rage at the same time!

#1: The Economy Has Changed, and It's Not 1988 Anymore!

An Alabama mother of two adult children recently went viral after expressing her frustrations with the financial realities facing millennials and Gen Z. She argues that wages aren't keeping up with inflation, making it harder for young people to afford basic necessities. So, right-wingers, get ready to be angry about the changing economy and the struggle to make ends meet. It's time to bring back the good old days of 1988!

#2: Massachusetts Declares State of Emergency Over Migrant Surge

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, a Democrat, has declared a state of emergency due to an overwhelming number of migrants seeking shelter in the liberal state. She's calling for more funding and help from the federal government to deal with the situation. Oh, the horror! Right-wingers, get ready to be outraged about migrants seeking safety and assistance. It's time to build that wall around Massachusetts!

#3: Biden's Grand Canyon Gaffe

President Biden recently made a gaffe during a speech in Arizona, where he mistakenly claimed that the Grand Canyon is one of the "nine" wonders of the world. Oops! Turns out, there are only seven wonders on the widely accepted list. So, right-wingers, get ready to be angry about Biden's lack of basic knowledge and his inability to count. It's time to impeach him for this grave offense!

#4: Anheuser-Busch's Transgender Ad Backfires

Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, faced backlash and plummeting sales after featuring transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney in their ad campaign. Billy Busch, an heir to the Anheuser-Busch fortune, admitted that it was a huge mistake and that his ancestors would be rolling over in their graves. So, right-wingers, get ready to be furious about inclusive advertising and the downfall of a beer company. It's time to boycott Bud Light and demand a return to the good old days of exclusion!

#5: Declining Sales and Layoffs at Anheuser-Busch

As a result of the controversial ad campaign, Anheuser-Busch has seen a significant decline in sales, leading to layoffs and financial losses. So, right-wingers, get ready to be angry about the consequences of inclusive marketing and the impact it can have on a company's bottom line. It's time to mourn the loss of beer sales and demand that companies prioritize profits over inclusivity!

Well, there you have it! Five hilarious things to get angry about today. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so embrace the absurdity and let the rage flow through you. Until next time, stay angry and keep finding new things to be outraged about. Cheers!